Which Came First? The Chicken or the Egg.....


Which Came First? The Chicken or the Egg......

Objective: Students will observe the development of an animal by documenting their observations and questions during the duration of their study using their Animal Observation Journal.

Standards: K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.

Resource: Animal Observation Journal - This handout can be used if your students are hatching chicks or even if you are just observing chicks already hatched. (You will need to print several copies or use Kami if wanting to keep the journal digital.)

Vocabulary: Eggshell, Embryo, Incubator, Incubation, Development, Hatching, Candling, Hen, Rooster


Incubation Cycle: 
Follow the instructions of the incubator.

Materials: Fertilized Eggs, Incubator, Candler, 

On the 4th day of the incubation cycle, eggs can be candled. If you do not have a candler, do not worry you can create one from a LED flashlight. The Chicken Chick blog had pretty easy instructions to follow and included pictures of the embryo development.


  1. Have students observe the development of their chick embryo by candling the egg. (If not hatching the chick then the observation of the live chick, measuring its height, weight, etc,,.)
  2. During their observation time have students fill out their Animal Observation Journal documenting what they see and the questions they have.
  3. To help guide the discussion and the development of the embryo found this Development Wheel helpful. 
  • What is an embryo?
  • What makes the embryo alive?
  • What do you think the eggshell's role is in the development of the chick?
  • Do you think the egg could hatch on its own?
  • What do you think the role of the incubator is in the development of the chick?

How Do Your Flowers Grow?

 How Do Your Flowers Grow? 


Objective: Students will observe the life of a plant by documenting their observations and questions during a plant cycle using their Plant Observation Journal.

Standard: K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.

Resource: Plant Observation Journal (You will need to print several copies or use Kami if wanting to keep the journal digital.)

Vocabulary: Observe, Seeds, Soil, Clay, Sand, Sunlight, Growth, Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, Water, Fertilizer, Bloom, Sprout, and Life Cycle.


Materials: Pots, Potting Soil, Flower Seeds, Fertilizer, Water, and a Small Scoop


1. Fill your pots with soil.

2. Sprinkle a small scoop of fertilizer over the soil in each pot. (Follow the instructions on the bag for the fertilizer.)

3. Plant a few seeds in each pot and cover with soil.

4. Give the pots the same about of water and place them in sunlight.

5. Record your first observations and questions in your Plant Observations Journal.

6. Check the soil in your plants daily. If the soil is dry add water. You want to keep your soil damp not muddy.

7. Record your observations and questions as you watch your flowers grow.

8. Once your flowers bloom continue to water and record your observations.



What do plants need in order to grow?

What might happen if the plant does not get water?

What might happen if the plant doesn't get sun?

How long did it take for you to see a sprout?

How long did it take for you to see a bloom?