Countdown to Podstock 2013....
This year I will be presenting a poster session at Podstock '13. When I 1st submitted my proposal for my session I had it all planned what I wanted to say, what I wanted to show, and how I could put it all together in a face to face session. I was asked if I could possibly turn my session into a poster session. It took me a moment to think how I could transform my session. Then it hit me I am presenting on "Flipping in Our Classroom" why not FLIP my presentation. My presentation is ready and is very interactive, or as interactive as I could get it.
So you can get the full effect of my Flipped Presentation you will need to download the following app to your Smartphone or Tablet (iPad).
Next you will need to download my handout. You can print it or just save it to your computer and open it up. You will be scanning the pictures of my handout to obtain the content. If you print it out you can print it in Black & White. The scanning of the pictures will work with either Black & White or Color prints and off of your computer screen.
What you will be experiencing when you scan the pictures is Augmented Reality or AR. When you scan the pictures using the Layar App you will be given different items to interact with. One of the items will be a video I created talking about the tools I used to in my classroom to help me Flip it. Other interactive items will be a slide show of my students working and a Symbaloo board of the tools I used. Keep in mind that this was my 1st time recording myself, so I was a little nervous. The next time I record I will have someone in the room so I am talking to them not just my iPad.
For those that do not have a Smartphone or a tablet. I do have my presentation on a website that you can access too.
See you at Podstock!