I get asked a lot how can you use augmented reality beyond the "Wow" factor and make it meaningful. There are many ways to incorporate augmented reality into your lessons. You can have your students create interactive augmented notebooks, augmented book talks/reports, augmented word walls, and so much more. I recently had a teacher friend ask me if there was a way to show words combining visually to make compound words. As I was working on the "Let's Make 10" augmented game, it came to me how I could show compound words.
Using the "Making Compound Words" with the "Making Compounds" Board along with the Blippar app students can scan the cards and see if they make a compound word. I currently only have 4 compound words complete and plan to create more. I am even thinking of adding audio to the augmented experience.
When using this board and its cards remember to go to the app's settings and enter the code "17472" before you scan. Just a tip scan the whole board, making sure the entire board appears on your device. You will want to click on the X at the top of your device's screen in between scans. You may even want to shrink the app or even close it between scans. This will help clear out the previous scan, and keep the app from being confused.
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
I was inspired by Keven to create a Let's Make 10 augmented interactive board. He was trying to use Aurasma and was having some issues. So I thought I might give it a shot and see if I can get it to work. I really loved the idea of an interactive Let's Make 10 board using augmented reality. When it comes to creating augmented triggers your triggers have to be very unique. Color really doesn't have an effect on the how unique the trigger is. It is more the contrast between the lines and shapes within the trigger.
So what I did was make each number as unique as I could with different lines, shapes and contrast between them. I placed the combination of numbers that created 10 together on the board and took a close up picture of the 2 numbers together on the board. I uploaded the combination for 10 into the Blippar's Blipbuilder and created a Blip within my Math folder. I tied an image that says Correct to the Blip. So when those combinations of those numbers are scanned the image "Correct" will pop out on the iPad. I wanted to do a set of combinations that are not correct and tie a "Sorry Try Again" image but the app was getting confused.
Keep in mind this is not perfect. When you are scanning to see if you make 10 scan the whole board. Make sure the board fills the whole screen of your device. After each scan click on the X at the top right side of your screen to clear the scan. You may even need to shrink or close the app between scans. This will help clear the Blippar app and not confuse it. Before you start scanning make sure you have gone to the settings within the Blippar app and enter the code "18296". If you don't make 10 you should see an image from Blippar asking you if you need help scanning, just click NO and try a new number combination.
This interactive augmented board will only work with the Let's Make 10 numbers. You can print these numbers in Black and White or Color. You can also print the board and numbers on colored paper. I suggest if you are wanting to use this game with multiple kids print the board and numbers in sets with different colored paper or colored card stock. You can even laminate the board and numbers.
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
Quiver is having a Christmas coloring contest using Penfold the penguin. I love this coloring page. You can use it a variety of ways, depending on the age of your students. I can see a writing assignment on the topic of living in Antarctica or a life of a penguin. You could even do a writing assignment on ice skating or ice hokey. After your students finished their writing activity then they can color and interact with Penfold. Using the camera option within the app have kids take pictures with Penfold and share the pictures via Twitter and or Instagram using the hashtag #QuiverChristmas.
The deadline for the coloring contest will be Dec. 31st at midnight (UCT), so get your entries in before the new year. Remember to use the hashtag #QuiverChristmas. Quiver will draw winners shortly after the deadline.
Click HERE to download the free Penfold coloring page. If you have used Penfold in the past you may have to update within the app. There are also some fun new coloring pages. Give them a try, they will make a fun center activity, and help bring a little augmented magic to your classroom. Visit the Quiver website to download and print the magical interactive coloring pages.
To play the game and to watch Penfold skate around click on the snowflake button.
Augmented reality is a fun way in getting kids reading and writing. Chromville also agrees and has created a contest to give away some pretty cool Chromville prizes.
Their contest:
Do you like reading stories? Follow them on Facebook because along this month they will publish the first Chromville tale! Get ready to accept the challenge. All the participants will be include in the sweepstake of one Chromville pack!
Complete any of this steps (the more you do, the better!)
Follow us on Facebook
Comment any of our post about our Christmas story.
Share any of our Facebook posts.
Complete the challenge that is at the end of the Facebook post. (Come on, it will be fun!)
Light UP Your World .... Augmented LED Greeting Cards .....
If you haven't noticed that augmented reality happens to be a passion of mine and I love finding new ways to use it in my classroom. For my STEM class I designed a lesson that incorporates LED lights and augmented reality. My students will be designing circuits for cards that light up LED lights when an area on the card is pressed. Then they will be adding an augmented component to the cards. The augmented component could be a video message, a Christmas song, and or pictures. Anything that can be digital can be added to the augmented component.
Try out my sample card. I used Blippar to build my augmented component so you will need to download the Blippar app to view the augmented part. In the settings within the app you will need to enter the code (17117). To get to the settings click on the button at the bottom of the screen and then the gear. Then select "Enter Code". Once the code has been entered then scan the image below. Turn up your sound and enjoy. In the augmented part of my card is a how to video on how to make the card with LED lights.
Augmented reality is a powerful tool that can bring the world to our kids. Instead of bring the world to them why not bring the universe to them. Let them explore space, planets, comets, and stars. Lets change a students perspective of how they see the universe using tools such as Star Walk, NASA's 3DV, Chromville, Quiver, and AugThat.
I use these tools at home with my own kids. We love to sit around the backyard fire pit star gazing via Star Walk. How powerful can it be to turn your classroom in to observatory with a simple augmented reality app. Use augmented 3D models of the planets, or transform your classroom to one of NASA's launch platforms.
With the unit Exploring Space I've paired up my favorite augmented reality apps together. I've included Quiver's Moon phases, Chromville's solar system color sheet and their The Spatial Hitchhiker. The color sheet works with Chromville's Science app which is currently available for Android devices, the iOS version will be out very soon. The Spatial Hitchhiker can be used as a journal or a creative writing project. With the launch of Chromville's World they also launched several educational resources. You do need to be a member in order to download the additional content. Chromville has activities for Living Things, Earth, and the Human Body. They just added a Thanksgiving "I'm Thankful" ChromTurkey, which looks really cute. I did ask and Chromville will have an activity for Christmas as well. Quiver also has some new science pages come out soon.
The education team at Blippar has also developed a Solar System trigger which I've included in the unit. I've even included a trigger I created to go along with this unit called Your Weight on Other Worlds. At the end of the unit I've even included the standards.
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
I have been asked to give a example on how I would use augmented reality in a elementary science classroom. So I developed Let it Grow. I compare augmented reality like a pair of shoes. You are going to use the pair you need when you need it. For this mini unit on plant growth I am using not one but three augmented platforms. Blippar education department has developed a augmented plant growth simulator, and they have given me permission to share it with you. Quiver has developed an augmented coloring page over a plant cell, and AugThat has tons of augmented 360 environments. I put the three together and created Let it Grow.
In this unit you will find links to resources as well as Blippar's Sunflower trigger and a trigger for an augmented word wall which I am creating. To get access to a sample of AugThat's 360 environment triggers please fill out the 1 Million Students Form.
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
Building an Augmented Word Wall for Charlotte's Web....
Teachers get blown away when I show them ways that they can incorporate augmented reality content to their classrooms. I get asked all the time to give examples of how they can you use this tool to engage their students. A fun engaging way to add augmented reality is to build an augmented word wall. I am currently working on one for Charlotte's Web. Using the self-publishing BlippBuilder tool by BlipparEdu I took a handful of words from the book Charlotte's Web and added a little augmented reality. You will need the Blippar app. In the Blippar app settings (looks like a gear) you will need to enter the code 17366. Then scan the above image. Turn up your volume!
Augmented word walls are a great way to add differentiation to a lesson. With this trigger I have it set to auto play sound. I've also loaded a animated video that I created, and a link to the definition. This way I can reach the student that needs to hear it, the one that needs to see it, and the one that needs to read it to understand.
These triggers don't necessarily have to be on the wall you could have student adhere them to their vocab notebook or journal. Adding these triggers to notebooks can also make them an interactive notebook.
I've been trying to share some augmented lessons and activities. I will be posting more in our Augmented Reality for Education Google Group. Feel free to join the group, connect, learn, and share with others.
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
Reaching 1 Student at a Time with Augmented Reality....
When I started this campaign on Oct. 18th, less than a month ago I wasn't sure how I was going to reach 1 Million kids through augmented reality, but I knew I just had to try. I've shared my goal via my PLN and social media. Thanks to an amazing group in my PLN the word has gotten out. I am thrilled to announce that we have recorded reaching about 242,000 students using augmented content. A huge thanks to AugThat, Quiver, Chromville, BlipparEDU, and Aurasma's for their augmented reality tools. I know there are more out there using augmented educational content, so please fill out the form so I can track how many students are being reached via AR.
In less than a month we've recorded about 240,675 teachers and students using AugThat's amazing augmented educational content. Around 700 students have been recorded using Quiver and around 350 using Chromville's augmented coloring pages. The reset have recorded using Aurasma, Blippar, and even Google Cardboard VR apps. Thanks to amazing teachers such as Cynthia Dagnal-Myron, Amber McCormick, Sandra Allen, Myra Deister, Heidi Samuelson, and Dianna Bandhauer for giving augmented educational content a whirl. You truly have made a difference!
Augmented educational content can really change how students learn. It can bring the world to your classroom via 360 environmental augmented triggers and 3D augmented triggers. It can reinforce a lesson, content, concept, or introduce them. Augmented reality can bring learning to life in ways that engage students well beyond a worksheet or textbook.
I've been trying to share some augmented lessons and activities. I will be posting more in our Augmented Reality for Education Google Group. Feel free to join the group, connect, learn, and share with others.
Here are some tips from teachers & students who are using augmented triggers:
Students learned that it was easier to scan their pictures if they placed the paper on their chair than if the paper was on their desk.
The kids LOVED that the trigger was someone they were familiar with. Using a friendly face of one of our student ambassadors made all the difference in the world.
If you have a slow network try not having all 20 kids scanning at the same time.
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
When I first learned about augmented reality about 4 years or so ago, my mind went crazy thinking of ways I could use this mind blowing tool. One of the 1st projects I did with my students I call iGeek. It is a way my students can show off their passion and what makes them who they are. I've been doing this project for four years and it was actually the 1st project I added augmented reality to. At the time I used Layar as the augmented platform. I had to pick between Aurasma and Layar. I went with Layar because I could load more than 1 trigger image into a campaign. With Aurasma I had to use the same iPad that I used to create to see the augmented content and that wasn't going to work for me. I hung the trigger pictures like a photo boarder in my classroom. With Layar you can only keep projects alive for only a certain period of time. When I 1st started it was a year and it changed to like 60 days. Our 1st augmented iGeek projects have since closed down but the trigger images remain on my wall. This project has become a legacy project. Which I wouldn't have even dreamed it could be so special to kids. Kids come in and always look for their older brother, sister, cousin, or family friend and comment that they can't wait to be apart of the project.
Trigger Image - Code 16631
Last year I tried this project with Daqri but it just didn't quite work. When you have 40+ students that participate in the project and you are only allowed 25 trigger objects alive at one time just didn't fly. This year we are using the BlippBuilder to create our augmented experience and we added an element to the augmented content. I recorded the students as they presented and we added the recording to the augmented content. When the trigger image is scanned their interactive presentation pops into their hands and a button to watch their video also appears. The bonus is these trigger images will stay alive as long as I need them to. The double bonus now future kids can hear for themselves why a certain kid geeks what he or she geeks. I do have next to the photo boarder the instructions on how to use the app and the code they need in order to see the augmented content.
My goals is to help fuel their passion and to continue to follow their dreams. You never know where your dreams will take you or who you touch along the way.
Augmented Image
Sign I put next to the photo boarder.
You can click here to see one of our 1st augmented iGeek projects.
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
To accompany the Mayflower Augmented Writing prompt, I've created the 1st Winter Augmented Writing prompt. This lesson plan/activity has 3 Kagan structures to go along with AugThat's 360° augmented environment trigger "Winter Forest by the shore". You could use this writing prompt with learning about the 1st Thanksgiving or the 1st Christmas for the pilgrims.
To get access to this trigger to use with these activities you will need to fill out AugThat's 1 Million Kids form or have access to their 360° Environments.
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
Teachers always ask me how can they incorporate augmented content into appropriate grade level lessons and or activities. If you can give me a grade level and a topic you would like to see an augmented lesson or activity I can normally come up with a pretty engaging lesson and or activity. It may take me a day or two to find the right trigger or create one that will work for your topic. I also like to try and include the common core standard with the lesson and or activity.
With AugThat's help and their "An Ocean Landscape" 360° Environment trigger I created two activities. The 1st activity focuses on observations and listening skills. The 2nd activity is the writing prompt asking kids to think about what it might be like to live on a ship. To get access to this trigger to use with these activities you will need to fill outAugThat's 1 Million Kids form or have access to their 360° Environments.
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
My school uses Kagan structures which then the question gets asked "How can I use augmented triggers with Kagan structures?" Augmented triggers are just another tool that teachers can use to introduce a new concept, idea, lesson, deliver content, and etc... It is also a tool that gets kids thinking outside the box. It isn't just another worksheet passed out and we say here solve the problem, or text in a book and we direct them to read it. It is a tool that gives our students and our teachers an experience. Studies have shown when we tie emotion and when we are activity engaged we are learning. Augmented triggers do just that. When you tie augmented reality to learning structures such as Kagan structures the possibilities are endless.
I modified my augmented scavenger hunt "Riddle Me This" and included two Kagan structures to use with it. (Rally Coach and Sage & Scribe) What I would love to do is also augmented the structures themselves to include video or animated examples of how to use the structures at different grade levels. When they have over 250 structures a teacher and or student could get lost or confused. Having an augmented poster or image tied to examples and video demonstrations would be very helpful especially for us visual learners.
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
You can use augmented triggers to guide students to solve riddles, math problems, learn more about historical figures or events, and so much more. To give you an idea how to use augmented triggers in a scavenger hunt setting I created "Riddle Me This". It is a set of augmented triggers, when scanned will lead you to the next clue. I created this augmented scavenger hunt using the BlipperBuilder.
As I was building this scavenger hunt I thought it might also be a good idea to add an audio file of someone reading the clue for those that need to hear the next clue can. I can make changes to this scavenger hunt at anytime, so if you have any other ideas please let me know.
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
Even thought Halloween my be over the fun of augmented reality and changing how we view the world will never end. I love Quiver's newpumpkin carvingpage. This page is a great way to teach shapes, design, and creativity. I was traveling when I was notified about Quiver's new page and just had to try it. Since I couldn't print out the page I loaded it in Google Drawing and added my special design. I was blown away.
This would be a great way to introduce vocabulary, math problems, a character, and so much more. The possibilities are endless. As a mom this would be a great way to hold the Wilson's annual pumpkin carving contest and turn their carvings into place mats.
The kicker was not only seeing my design cut out on the pumpkin, but seeing the lit candle glowing inside. I did try it with words. You do need to have very thick lines but the words did show up cut out on the pumpkin.
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
Bringing Augmented Reality to 1 Million Students Thanks to AugThat....
I started this campaign to reach 1 million students and in a week I am happy to let you know that so far we have reached 28,000 students with augmented reality. The number 1 augmented reality tool teachers are reporting using just happens to the STAR app by AugThat followed by Quiver, Chromville, Blippar, Aurasma, and DinoTrek VR. I am very confident that I will reach at least 1 million students.
To get your free licence to use some of AugThat's augmented 3D objects, 360° environments, and animated lessons please visit their site and request your licence.
I do have a group for Augmented Reality for Education. In the group you will find other educators connecting, learning, and sharing how they use augmented reality in their classrooms along with my favorite augmented platforms such as Chromville, Quiver, Blipper Edu, and of course AugThat. I am also posting some augmented lessons I've created using these amazing tools.
One of my favorite lessons I've created pairs Quiver's Dot Day sheet along with some of AugThat's 3D and 360° environments, I call it Make Your Mark. I've even created some triggers to go along with this lesson. It may not be International Dot Day but you can use this lesson throughout the year. Another one of my favorites lessons pairs Chromville and AugThat's 360° environments triggers, I call it Bring Characters to Life. I will be posting very soon lessons I am creating using Blippar.
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
Since Chromville has their #ChromvilleHalloween contest underway I thought I would share one of my lessons I do with my students with Chromville's Custom Character. I love to use more than one app so with this lesson I've paired it up with AugThat and Pic Collage. I have my students design and decorate Chromville's custom characters and write a story that focuses on the character's talents. I also have students explore possible environments using AugThat's 360° Environment triggers. I then have students take pictures of the environment and their character then make a photo collage using Pic Collage to go along with their story. I do have my students publish their stories as a blog post.
Students love to design their characters and tell stories about them. Adding the 360° Environment just helps them visualize a possible environment that their character could actually live. Click here to view my "Bringing Characters to Life" lesson plan.
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
In order to reach 1 Million kids with Augmented Reality I went on a search to find the best tools to help me reach this goal. Lucky for me Chromville released a Halloween contest. What a perfect way to kick start my campaign in reaching 1 Million Kids
Here are the Rules:
Create your Halloween design of Chromville and win one free code of Chromville World!
Are you ready for the Halloween night? So are we! That’s why we have prepared something really special for all of you. Pay attention to this guideline. The winner of the first Chromville Halloween design contest will win a free access to the new Chromville World. Let’s go!
Goal: design the most creative Halloween Chromer!
Prize: the winner will win a free code of Chromville World. Learn moreabout what includes this amazing package!
Decorite it with a Halloween decoration (take a look to our suggestions on Facebook!)
Share your creation with them on the social networks as Facebook, Twitter,Instagramor Pinterest. Remember include @Chromville in your text or use the hashtag #ChromvilleHalloween.
Show everybody your artwork! (If you take a photo to the 3D experiences, even better!)
All the designs shared with @Chromville or #ChromvilleHalloween will be included on the raffle. They will gather them on their Pinterest board!
Deadline:October 29 23.00 pm EST time zone. They will announce the winner on October 31.
Don't forget to include the hashtag #AR4Kids and to fill out the form so I know you are using AR with your kids.
Blippar has launched an education side to their augmented reality platform. Educators can sign up for the augmented creation tool the Blippbuilder. To learn more about the Blippbuilder you can watch their tutorial videos. There are 10 very short video clips that will help you create your own augmented content. To get your account please contact Stephen and the EDU team let them know I sent you.
Scan with Blippar - Enter code 54535
I created a Blipp for my campaign of reaching 1 Million kids with Augmented Reality. Feel free to try it out for your self. Since my Blippar account is an educational account you will need to enter in my code (54535) you do this under settings.
I did have teachers asking some questions about Blippar and their policies. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any more questions or would like to participate in reaching 1 Million Kids with Augmented Reality.
1. How long will the trigger be active?
There's no limit on our end, so as long as the teacher chooses to keep it active.
2. How many triggers can you make, is there a limit?
There is no limit - teachers are free to make as many pieces of content as they wish.
3. Is there a limit on the file size per trigger?
There are limits to individual file types, such as videos and images. There isn't an overall file size limit on the blipp itself, although if there is a lot of content in the blipp then it may be slow to load (in this case internet speed becomes an important consideration). You can fit a reasonably large amount of content into the blipp before this becomes a problem, though.
4. Can students have builder accounts?
They sure can. However, each student requires an individual email address in order to activate their account.
5. How long does it take to process a trigger before it become alive?
When it comes to educators we have a 'soft publish' approach. The content doesn't become fully live; it requires students to enter a code on the Blippar app to unlock the content from the image marker. There are a few reasons why we do this; principal among them are safeguarding (allowing teachers embed sensitive student materials into image markers) and avoiding conflict on our servers (there is a high likelihood that teachers will, for example, use an image of the same historical figure as an image marker)
If teachers save all their blipps into a single campaign, then a single 'campaign code' will unlock all of the individual blipps within. Furthermore, the Blippar app remembers the code even after it is closed down, so students only have to enter the code once. After this, the blipp behaves like any other live blipp when the app is open and pointed at the marker.
Reaching 1 Million Kids with the Help of AugThat....
AugThat wants to help reach 1 MILLION students with their educational augmented content. They are going to give a free licence to every student or teacher no matter where you are in the world. All you have to do is contact Lisa (lisa@augthat.com) and let her know you want to be apart of #AR4Kids and she will set you up with the licenses you need and will give you access to the triggers. You will get a sample of the different types of augmented triggers that AugThat has to offer along with a few I've selected. My favorite triggers are their augmented 360 environmentswith their Virtual Field Trips becoming my 2nd favorite augmented triggers.
Not only do they want to give students access to educational augmented content they are going to give the top 5 schools with the most students using AugThat's content a iPad Cart for a Classroom, a Classroom Set of iPads, and a Lifetime License for AugThat. Don't worry if you have a small school they are going to go by percent of student use. So if you are a small school and you have 90% of your student body using AugThat's educational augmented content compared to a larger school and they they only have 40% of their student body using AugThat's educational augmented content you will be ahead of them.
When you are using augmented content with your students please share it with use by using the hashtag #AR4Kids and tag us. @katieann_76 & @augthat
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
Reaching 1 Million Kids with Augmented Reality ....
Scan this image with the Blippar App - Enter Code 54535
Augmented reality is a very powerful learning tool that transform the classroom like nothing else. You can bring the world even the universe to your classroom. My goal is to help teachers harness the power of augmented reality and help them use this powerful tool in their classroom. I would love to reach at least 1 million kids.
All you have to do is try at least one Augmented Tool with your students and let me know how many students tried the tool. There are several Augmented Tools you can try. I have a Symbaloo Board full of tools you can choose from. It is best to login to your Symbaloo and add this board to your list to view all of the tools.
After you have tried an Augmented tool please fill out this form. This will help me keep track of how many kids we are reaching with augmented content. You can fill out the form for each time you try an Augmented tool with your students. If you are using social media you can also share your experience with the Augmented tool by using the hashtag #AR4Kids.
I am working on creating lessons that are enriched with Augmented content. Keep your eye in our AR Lesson section in the Augmented Reality for Education Google+ Group. The next lesson I will be posting will be a unit over the book Charlotte's Web along with a few Augmented STEM lessons.
AugThat is wanting to help reach 1 Million kids through Augmented Reality and will give teachers a sample of Augmented content to help with this cause. To receive your augmented content please contact lisa@augthat.com and let her know you are helping us reach 1 Million kids please use the code #AR4Kids. She will set you up with an account and the give you access to their augmented triggers.
Blippar also has a Augmented building platform that is easy to use. You will need to contact Stephen and the EDU team at Blippar and he will set you up with a free account so you can start creating your own AR content. If you can drag, drop, copy & paste you can create simple Augmented content too. You can also reach out to me and I would love to help you create AR projects.
I love book The Dot by Peter Reynolds. September 15ish marks International Dot Day. I use the book to spark ways kids can make their mark on the world. Thanks to AugThat's augmented content and Quiver's augmented Dot Day coloring page I designed a fun unit for younger students.
Sometimes is just starts with a little mark, lets see where it take you!
Augmented triggers bring learning to life and engages students like nothing before. Harnessing the power that AR has I've created an Augmented Interactive Board for my STEM class. On the board I've included triggers from AugThat. We are currently designing and building bridges out of paper, I call it my "Paper Bridge Challenge". On the board I have few augmented 360 triggers of views from a bridge or looking at a bridge to help spark some creativity for the designing process. I've also included 3D model AR trigger of the Golden Gate Bridge which I hang on a hook on the board. My students can take the 3D AR model back to their work area and explore the model as they are designing and building their bridge. I have also made some augmented triggers that guide students on how they could use paper to build their bridges.
When a student is needing a little more reinforcement to solve their design problem they can access the triggers when they need to. I am also reinforcing the concept of scale and ratios by asking my students to design a scale model of their bridge before they construct their bridge. To help with these concepts I am using AugThat's STAR sheets which have an augmented animated lesson on each sheet over the concept.
Having this board has really changed my classroom into a student center learning environment.
Ideas on How to Incorporate Augmented Reality in Your Classroom...
Augmented reality is quickly becoming recognized as an engage tool to use in the classroom. However, as we often see with new ed tech, it’s not just a matter of having the tools available and knowing how to work the devices involved. It’s about knowing how a this tool can actually enrich the learning experience, and where, when and how to include it.
Feel free to reach out to me if you need help incorporating augmented reality in your lessons. You can contact me via Twitter - @katieann_76 or my website - www.katieannwilson.com.
Augmented reality can be used to:
Include audio or video description of printed instructions, for learners who process better when something is read aloud or demonstrated visually. Some kids just do better if they see or hear the instructions.
Use augmented activities for differentiated instruction, reinforcement, & or enhancement.
Link lessons to 3D models or 360 environments of real places being read about in basic text or stories.
Present 3D models or images of artwork in visual art class. Bring the Smithsonian Institution, the Le Louvre, or even the Acropolis Museum to your students.
Work in audio and or video clips of music on worksheets in a music class or to help kids learn a play.
Provide hints, tips for quizzes or a interactive review before a quiz.
Send home video or pictures of student presentations in class or school newsletters.
Bring science lessons to life with 3D models of chemical bonds, cell structure, or planetary orbits. Let the kids hold the universe in their hands.
Bring history to life with 3D models or video clips about important buildings and landmarks or even a 360 environment. Let kids walk around inside a pyramid.
Send surprise messages or encouragement to students to remind them that they matter. Each student could have their own AR trigger and the content can be changed to customize verbal or video feedback.
Join the Augmented Reality for Education community. With in the community you can find augmented lessons, resources, and even ask for help. We also have a weekly Google Hangout every Wed. at 7pm central where you can join in, ask questions, and get ideas. On the 2nd & 4th Thur. of every month we have a Twitter Chat #AR4Learning where you can join in on the conversation.
Bringing Augmented Reality to Your School in a SNAP via PledgeCents...
Launch a cause for at least $800 by (8/14) & PledgeCents will match the first $100!
It is back to school for a lot of teachers this week and I know how busy and hectic it can get. So I'm going to lend you a hand, and all you will have to do is copy & paste. You can also use any of these images to help promote your cause.
Possible Names for your Cause: (Fill Free to COPY & PASTE)
Help Bring My Class to Life with Augmented Reality!
Help Me Bring my classroom to the Future!
Looking to infuse STEM Stations in my classroom
Make a difference in a child’s learning, give them the tools they need for success!
Pick a Description:
Choice 1:
My Name is ( Name) and I am a (Position) at (School). Our students must meet higher standards and meet the challenging demand of technology. We also must engage them with challenging rigorous work in an interactive environment. My Class is looking to provide this with: (Choose which options you would like)
Choice 2
As our students grow we also see that the educational needs and systems change. To meet this demand, we offer the tool that will take them to the next level of engagement as well as raise their academic levels: Augmented reality technology infused content that is printable from any printer. Content that can be infused to any lesson or curriculum that differentiate strategies and concepts to the level of the student. My name is (Name) and I am (Position) at (School). Please help me bring the tools necessary to grow them with (choose options)
Pick the Tools You Need: Prices are included
I've even included some implantation days. I don't want you to get too overwhelmed once your cause is funded. I could come in or one of the AugThat's Ambassadors and help get you started on the right foot in using augmented curriculum.
Options: Pick want you need (reach for the stars) and remember there are matching opportunities.
4 iPad Minis, 4 iPad Mini Cases, AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers, AugThat's 3D Triggers, AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers, AugThat's 3D Triggers, Class Level of Animated Lessons, Flash Cards, Reinforcement stickers and Activity sheets, and 1 day implementation/ professional development. - $7,000.00
2 iPad Minis, 2 iPad Mini Cases, AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers, AugThat's 3D Triggers, AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers, AugThat's 3D Triggers, Class Level of Animated Lessons, Flash Cards, Reinforcement stickers and Activity sheets, and 1 day implementation/ professional development. - $6,000.00
AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers, AugThat's 3D Triggers, AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers, AugThat's 3D Triggers, Class Level of Animated Lessons, Flash Cards, Reinforcement stickers and Activity sheets, and 1 day implementation/ professional development. - $5,000.00
AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers, AugThat's 3D Triggers, Full Site License of each grade level of Animated Lessons, Flash Cards, Reinforcement stickers and Activity sheets - $4,000.00
2 Day Onsite Professional Development - $4,750.00
Class set of AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers - $450.00
Class set of AugThat's 3D Triggers - $450.00
Class set of AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers - $450.00
School Connect- allow teachers and students to create their own augmented reality experience - $12.00 per student
AugThat is an Educational Technology company that not only immerses students into learning but makes lessons come to life. Through the use of advanced technology – Augmented Reality, we create a learning environment that will not only change the way a student views learning but will provide them with the skills to understand any curriculum presented.
You will want to include images and or video so here are a few to help you out.
Feel free to use any of the pictures for your cause. If you need any more help please feel free to reach out to me, the team from PledgeCents, and or from AugThat.
Once you launch your cause make sure you let me know so I can help promote your cause and get it funded. My Twitter id is @katieann_76.
Together we can bring Augmented Reality to your classroom!
Together We Can Bring Augmented Reality to Your Classroom
**** Update ****
For every dollar raised through PledgeCents to purchase AugThat's augmented content, AugThat will match the dollar amount towards the purchase! #ar4learning -
Please contact AugThat and PledgeCents for more details. Together we can bring augmented reality to your classroom!
Bring Augmented Reality to Your Class with the Help of PledgeCents....
I've been sharing with teachers from all over how the power of augmented reality can transform learning. In order to help teachers seize this power I set out on a quest to find ways I could help them obtain augmented content/curriculum for their classroom and my search led me to PledgeCents. Similar to DonorsChoose, PledgeCents is a type of crowdfunding that has come up with an innovated solution to help teachers obtain the needed funds to bring tools, supplies, & resources such as augmented reality content/curriculum to their students. They can even help with obtaining funds to send teachers to conferences such as ISTE.
Harnessing the power of social media PledgeCents is connecting teachers' causes with global supporters. Their only goal is to provide better education for children all over the world. PledgeCents is focused on providing an alternative means of school fundraising that goes beyond the limitations of conventional fundraising methods, and is investing in teachers and schools. They are made up of a team of advocates who have a passion for making a difference in a life of a student.
The need of teachers come in all sizes such as obtaining augmented content, iPads, school supplies, and etc... They will help teachers with their causes through matching opportunities, helping find global supporters, and sharing via social media. One of the matching opportunities is through Facebook Likes and sharing. For example for every Facebook like pledges a $1 towards the cause. They will help you with your cause to make it a successful one. What I really like about PledgeCents is that even if the teacher doesn't reach their goal for their cause the teacher will still receive what the cause raised. They get to keep what they raised no matter what! There is no list of approved items the teacher has to pick from for their cause, they receive the funds to get what they need. PledgeCents believes that teachers know best on the items that they need and where best to get what they need.
When it comes to setting up your cause they do have some very helpful tips, visit their 7 Steps to Success page. Make sure you include pictures and video clips on your cause page. This really does help make your cause real to supporters. Be creative, give lots of details about your cause, and come up with a very catchy name for your cause. If you need a 360° trigger for your cause page feel free to contact me and I can set you up with one. Show supporters how you are bringing learning to life as well as bringing the world to your students through augmented reality. I can envision causes with titles such as Bringing Learning to Life, Seeing a Different Kind of Reality, iOpen the World, and etc...
Augmented Reality Causes Ideas:
4 iPad Minis, 4 iPad Mini Cases, & AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers, AugThat's 3D Triggers, & Your Class Level of Animated Lessons
2 iPad Minis, 2 iPad Minis Cases, & AugThat's Interactive Kindergarten Flashcards by Katie Ann, & AugThat's Virtual Field Trips
A School Site Lessons for all of AugThat's Content & a Teach Connect account for all Teachers
What ever your Augmented Reality Cause by PledgeCents may be AugThat's sales team would love to help put Augmented Reality Curriculum together to fit your students' needs.
AugThat would also like to help you reach your goal and get AR in your classroom, so any cause that includes augmented content from AugThat your school will receive a Free Pipeline account. The Pipeline is when you add augmented content to your school's logo or mascot. The augmented content can be the school's website, calendar, an intro video about the school, a message from the principal and etc... The school can change the augmented content monthly if needed. AugThat would also like to give 100 3D augmented objects as well to help grow your augmented content library. If you tell AugThat I sent you as well you will also receive a DISCOUNT! I am also working on getting teachers other types of augmented content, so stay tuned I hope I can help grow your augmented library even more.
For back to school PledgeCents is having a competition a #SchoolSupplied competition. The top 3 schools that participate in this competition will receive school supplies. The winners will pick from a listed of basic school supplies and PledgeCents will deliver them. This is a win ... win situation. Teachers submit a cause share it out via social media and earn points towards the #SchoolSupplied Competition. The school then could win up to $1000 worth of much needed school supplies. Below are more details about the competition and how to earn points.
When you set up your account for PledgeCents please enter my referral code kwilson328 so that they know I sent you. The competition ends Sept. 30th so get busy and start creating a cause. When you share your cause make sure you use the hashtag #SchoolSupplied then tag me @katieann_76 so I can help promote your cause and get it funded as well as getting you points for the competition. The more we all share the better your cause will reach its goal. Oh and I almost forgot if your cause goes beyond your goal you get all you raised. Together we can make a difference and because every cent does counts!
#SchoolSupplied Competition:
Top 3 schools with the most points between Aug 3rd – Sept 30th will win #SchoolSupplied Prizes.
1st Place = $1,000 worth of school supplies
2nd Place = $750 worth of school supplies
3rd Place = $500 worth school supplies
The winning schools will get to choose their school supplies upon completion of the contest.
You earn points by:
Dollar Raised: 5 points
Facebook Share: 10 points
Cause Created: 20 points
Every $500 Raised by your school (BONUS): 200 points