Bringing Augmented Reality to Your School in a SNAP via PledgeCents...
Launch a cause for at least $800 by (8/14) & PledgeCents will match the first $100!

1st Step:
Go to and create your account.
My referral code is: kwilson328
2nd Step:
Start a Cause
Possible Names for your Cause: (Fill Free to COPY & PASTE)
- Help Bring My Class to Life with Augmented Reality!
- Help Me Bring my classroom to the Future!
- Looking to infuse STEM Stations in my classroom
- Make a difference in a child’s learning, give them the tools they need for success!
Pick a Description:
My Name is ( Name) and I am a (Position) at (School). Our students must meet higher standards and meet the challenging demand of technology. We also must engage them with challenging rigorous work in an interactive environment. My Class is looking to provide this with: (Choose which options you would like)
Choice 2
As our students grow we also see that the educational needs and systems change. To meet this demand, we offer the tool that will take them to the next level of engagement as well as raise their academic levels: Augmented reality technology infused content that is printable from any printer. Content that can be infused to any lesson or curriculum that differentiate strategies and concepts to the level of the student. My name is (Name) and I am (Position) at (School). Please help me bring the tools necessary to grow them with (choose options)
Pick the Tools You Need: Prices are included
Options: Pick want you need (reach for the stars) and remember there are matching opportunities.
AugThat is an Educational Technology company that not only immerses students into learning but makes lessons come to life. Through the use of advanced technology – Augmented Reality, we create a learning environment that will not only change the way a student views learning but will provide them with the skills to understand any curriculum presented.
I've even included some implantation days. I don't want you to get too overwhelmed once your cause is funded. I could come in or one of the AugThat's Ambassadors and help get you started on the right foot in using augmented curriculum.
- 4 iPad Minis, 4 iPad Mini Cases, AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers, AugThat's 3D Triggers, AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers, AugThat's 3D Triggers, Class Level of Animated Lessons, Flash Cards, Reinforcement stickers and Activity sheets, and 1 day implementation/ professional development. - $7,000.00
- 2 iPad Minis, 2 iPad Mini Cases, AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers, AugThat's 3D Triggers, AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers, AugThat's 3D Triggers, Class Level of Animated Lessons, Flash Cards, Reinforcement stickers and Activity sheets, and 1 day implementation/ professional development. - $6,000.00
- AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers, AugThat's 3D Triggers, AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers, AugThat's 3D Triggers, Class Level of Animated Lessons, Flash Cards, Reinforcement stickers and Activity sheets, and 1 day implementation/ professional development. - $5,000.00
- AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers, AugThat's 3D Triggers, Full Site License of each grade level of Animated Lessons, Flash Cards, Reinforcement stickers and Activity sheets - $4,000.00
- 2 Day Onsite Professional Development - $4,750.00
- Class set of AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers - $450.00
- Class set of AugThat's 3D Triggers - $450.00
- Class set of AugThat's 360° Environment Triggers - $450.00
- School Connect- allow teachers and students to create their own augmented reality experience - $12.00 per student
AugThat is an Educational Technology company that not only immerses students into learning but makes lessons come to life. Through the use of advanced technology – Augmented Reality, we create a learning environment that will not only change the way a student views learning but will provide them with the skills to understand any curriculum presented.
You will want to include images and or video so here are a few to help you out.
Feel free to use any of the pictures for your cause. If you need any more help please feel free to reach out to me, the team from PledgeCents, and or from AugThat.
Feel free to use any of the pictures for your cause. If you need any more help please feel free to reach out to me, the team from PledgeCents, and or from AugThat.
Once you launch your cause make sure you let me know so I can help promote your cause and get it funded. My Twitter id is @katieann_76.
Together we can bring Augmented Reality to your classroom!
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