Bringing Augmented Reality to 1 Million Students Thanks to AugThat....
I started this campaign to reach 1 million students and in a week I am happy to let you know that so far we have reached 28,000 students with augmented reality. The number 1 augmented reality tool teachers are reporting using just happens to the STAR app by AugThat followed by Quiver, Chromville, Blippar, Aurasma, and DinoTrek VR. I am very confident that I will reach at least 1 million students.To get your free licence to use some of AugThat's augmented 3D objects, 360° environments, and animated lessons please visit their site and request your licence.
Reaching 1 Million with AugThat
I do have a group for Augmented Reality for Education. In the group you will find other educators connecting, learning, and sharing how they use augmented reality in their classrooms along with my favorite augmented platforms such as Chromville, Quiver, Blipper Edu, and of course AugThat. I am also posting some augmented lessons I've created using these amazing tools.
Augmented Reality for Education Google GroupOne of my favorite lessons I've created pairs Quiver's Dot Day sheet along with some of AugThat's 3D and 360° environments, I call it Make Your Mark. I've even created some triggers to go along with this lesson. It may not be International Dot Day but you can use this lesson throughout the year. Another one of my favorites lessons pairs Chromville and AugThat's 360° environments triggers, I call it Bring Characters to Life. I will be posting very soon lessons I am creating using Blippar.
Augmented Lesson Plans
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.