Reaching 1 Million Kids with the Help of AugThat....
AugThat wants to help reach 1 MILLION students with their educational augmented content. They are going to give a free licence to every student or teacher no matter where you are in the world. All you have to do is contact Lisa ( and let her know you want to be apart of #AR4Kids and she will set you up with the licenses you need and will give you access to the triggers. You will get a sample of the different types of augmented triggers that AugThat has to offer along with a few I've selected. My favorite triggers are their augmented 360 environments with their Virtual Field Trips becoming my 2nd favorite augmented triggers.Not only do they want to give students access to educational augmented content they are going to give the top 5 schools with the most students using AugThat's content a iPad Cart for a Classroom, a Classroom Set of iPads, and a Lifetime License for AugThat. Don't worry if you have a small school they are going to go by percent of student use. So if you are a small school and you have 90% of your student body using AugThat's educational augmented content compared to a larger school and they they only have 40% of their student body using AugThat's educational augmented content you will be ahead of them.
When you are using augmented content with your students please share it with use by using the hashtag #AR4Kids and tag us. @katieann_76 & @augthat
Keep your eyes peeled on our Google+ Group Augmented Reality for Education's Augmented Lessons. I will be posting augmented lessons here.
When you use educational augmented content with your students please fill out this form. I would like to track how many kids are being reached with educational augmented content.
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