EdcampGlobal 2016 and Resources ...

EdcampGlobal 2016 and Resources ...

Edcamp Global is a powerful learning experience.  It is non-stop learning opportunities for 24 hours on a variety of social media platforms.  Some of the facilitators use Periscope, Twitter, Voxer, and Google Hangouts. It is a Edcamp so it is like a round table, where everyone comes together and have a discussion and share.  I love to share augmented in education so I seem to take the lead during the session I lead.  I do record the sessions I facilitate so no worries if you couldn't participate during the session you can go back and watch the recording.  There are a lot of sessions offered during Edcamp Global on a variety of platforms so participants can pick what they would like to learn or share more about.

Below are the recordings for both of my sessions along with the resources I promised to share out.


I love Edcamps!  They are a great way to learn what you want to learn about.  They are also a great way to share what you are doing in the classroom and to build your PLN. We are stronger together.

Create Your Own Pocket Monster via Quiver....

Create Your Own Pocket Monster via Quiver....

Pokémon Go has definitely has taken augmented reality into the mainstream.  Kids of all ages are being drawn in to play with the interactive game.  As I prepare for the next school year I can't but help to think about ways I can use Pokémon Go with my students.  Since I love augmented reality and love Quiver's Dot Day page I thought how cool it would be to design my own Pokémon via Quiver's Dot Day page.

Meet Brainy he is a very unique pocket monster.  When he is busy thinking his thoughts bubbles up and he lets them burst all around him.  He uses his thought bubbles to help others solve problems of all kinds.  Sometimes the thought bubbles help and other times they take others around him to magical places and they forget what they were working on.  Just depending on what Brainy is thinking about.

I used Quiver's Dot Day page and Google Draw to create Brainy and Brainy's Stats page.  Within Quiver's app you can record video clips.  Above is a little recording of Brainy in action. 

In your classroom you can challenge students to create their own pocket monsters.  They will need stats as well as a back story for each monster.  To bring the augmented world to those pocket monster I would have students create them using Quiver's Dot Day coloring sheet.  You can use any digital tools to create the pocket monsters stats.  Buncee would be tool to use.  Students could upload the picture of their monster. One monster per slide and add its stats.  Google Draw is another great tool to use.  There are tons out there pick the one you are most comfortable using or one that you want to learn how to use.  The call is yours.  

To learn ways that Pokémon Go has inspired me for my classroom visit Quiver's Blog.


Augmented Art Show.... via Quiver

Augmented Art Show.... via Quiver

I love discovering new ways to use Quiver's Dot Day coloring page. As I was thinking about this week #AR4Learning Twitter chat it dawned on me.  Why not have an augmented art show.  The reason I picked to use the Dot Day coloring page by Quiver is that Quiver has built in a recording tool within the app.  Not just a camera feature but a video and or audio recorder.

My thought for this Augmented Art Show is to have students make their creation inside the Dot Day circle.  When they interact with their creation they can record it.  The can also record a selfie with their creation and explain what it is, why they created, what they used to create it, and etc...

Your recording saves to your camera roll.  From there you can share out the recordings into iMovie, Spark, SMORE, social media, and etc.. Quiver currently doesn't have a platform for you to create your own augmented content so you will would need to use Blippar or Aurasma to add the recording as the augmented content.  You could take a picture of the artist interacting with their creation via the Quiver app.  Take that picture and import it into the AR creation platform you use and use that as your trigger.  Then hang all of the pictures you took of the artists interacting with their creations next to their art work.  I would also post simple instructions on scanning the artist's pictures and the art work.  Talk about an art show being very interactive.  You wouldn't have to create your own augmented trigger, you could share the Quiver video on your favorite online platform (Class Facebook, Class Twitter, Class Instagram, Class website, and etc...)

What inspired me to want students to think about augmented art was the artist Leon Keer.  His amazing 3D street art one is just unbelievable and two he has added augmented content to it.  Talk about seeing art in a different perspective, not just art but everything.  I am always trying to find ways for my students to think but to look outside of the box.  Every creation starts with a spark, mark, dot, line, and imagination. I can't wait to see what kind of augmented art students start to create!

To learn more ways to use augmented reality in education join us every Thursday at 8pm central time on Twitter for #AR4Learning.

Using Creative Tools to Bring Writing to Life...

Using Creative Tools to Bring Writing to Life...

Since I teach keyboarding skills I use writing as my go to applying tool.  When I started teaching keyboarding skills it was like pulling teeth to get my students started.  They would whine a lot and ask: Well how long does it need to be, What do I need to put into it, Is a paragraph for you 3 sentences, and etc..  To get their creative juices flowing I would use a variety of tools.  The top two tools that really got my students started in writing just happen to be augmented triggers and 360 environments. I truly believe the tools get students up, moving, and engaged in the subject or area they are writing about.

Keep in mind when it comes to augmented reality content you should treat it as a tool, and it doesn't have to be the main focus of your lesson or activity.  Just like any tool it is there to enhance the learning experience, not to be the end all be all part of your lesson.

Since 360s are a very engaging tool I was beyond excited when Buncee made it possible for me to embed them into their platform.  Talk about personal learning! I can now create my own 360 environments and use them with my students.  You can also get 360s from Nearpod and Thinglink. When Thinglink 360s get out of beta testing you will be able to add resources and information to the 360s.  I can't wait for this feature.  Talk about making learning engaging.

The reason I really like Buncee's ability to add a 360 to a slide also allows me to add information around the 360. I can leave instructions, suggestions, questions, and etc.. with the 360.  Below is a #Whatif Field Trip activity I created. The idea of this activity is for students to use these slides in the augmented interactive writing journal. My idea is to print these slides off the size of a business card and have them adhere them to pages in their notebook along with Quiver's map coloring sheet the printed off in a 4x6 size.  I want my students to explore the 4 different areas and write about them.  My students will also have to do some research about them.  Then I want them to mark on their Quiver map where they think the different locations are.  I would have a map per place or one large one.  For me the map will be my assessment.  Did they find the general location of each place.  You will notice I did number each location so my students can just put the number on the map.  For the keyboarding part they will be making a SMORE of each place and include pictures of the augmented map.

I plan to use augmented journals for students to jot down their notes when research. I want to move into having them sketchnote as well.  (baby steps)

You will notice that the 1st location loaded differently.  That 360 is one I made with Bubbli of a zoo near by our town.  The other 360s I pulled in within Buncee.

Since I've been using augmented tools and 360s my students really do not whine about writing or ask me how long does it need to be.


Join us every Thursday at 8pm central to learn more ways to use augmented reality tools in education. 

Q&A with @KatieAnn_76 - July 10th

Qand A with @KatieAnn_76 - July 10th

@KatieAnn_76 answer questions on the the topic of Augmented Reality in Education
Katie Ann answer questions from viewers and talks about why augmented triggers are not like QR Codes and her favorite augmented companies. Orginal audio taken from Periscope recording added to Let's Talk AR YouTube Channel.

Frequency: bi-weekly | Rating: TV-G | Location: Kansas
Author: Katie Ann Wilson
Email: tigerlovessmokey@gmail.com

Using Augmented Reality with STEAM ....

Using Augmented Reality with STEAM ....

Augmented content is just another tool you can pull out of your teacher toolbox that brings student engagement to a whole new level.  For STEAM the letter "S" is supposed to stand for science, so  I thought how fun it would be to have a space STEAM unit.  As a teacher I would use the Quiver Space Comparison coloring sheet to introduce the unit.  Since I am into Augmented Student Interactive Notebooks I would print the coloring sheet as either a 4x6 or 5x7 size that could be easily attached to a page in the notebooks. I would also have writing prompts posted in an LMS, on Bulletin Board. whiteboard, etc...

Possible Writing Prompts:

  • If you could go into space what would you travel in?
  • If you could go anywhere in space where would you go?
  • If you were a space explorer what do you think you might find?
For the STEAM activity I would have students design using grid paper a space travel machine. Students would have to give me different views of their machine along with scaled measurements and keep their sketches in their Augmented Student Interactive Notebook.  I would have them next build their space travel machine from recycle materials. For me their machine would also have to move on its own, others could be just the design and build and extra points if it moves.

You could also have students create balloon rockets and have them collect data on which rockets went the furthest, cared the most payload, and etc... 

I would focus more on the the writing prompt if "you where a space explorer".  I would then have students use Quiver's Flag coloring sheet and design their flag that they would put on the planets, moons, and etc... that they discovered and wanted to stake claim to.

You can also tie a global connection with the flags and have students do a little research on other countries flags.  Again I would print this coloring sheet to a 4x6 or 5x7 size and have my students add it to their notebooks along with their research of other flags. 

I would then use other augmented content for my students to explore space.  Such as apps that focus on astronomy like the Star Walk app.  Other AR companies like sAReddy have an augmented book on Planets called Planets 4D.  Octagon Studies has augmented space flashcards. While PopARToys has an interactive 3D Solar System poster.  All of these augmented tools would be a great addition to a SPACE STEAM unit.

Sample Trigger from Planets4D


To learn more about ways you can use augmented reality in education join us on Thursdays at 8pm central for the Twitter chat #AR4Learning.

App Smashing ... Augmented Reality Style ....

App Smashing ... Augmented Reality Style ....

Quiver Fireworks page with Fresh Paint App
Just like learning there isn't just one tool that fits all needs.  I love trying out different tools with each other to see what kind of masterpiece I can create.  To help celebrate the 4th of July I held a "Create Your Own Fireworks" contest.  Everyone had the same Quiver fireworks coloring sheet and were allowed to use any tools even digital to create their one of a kind fireworks.  I decided I would try the app Fresh Paint from the Microsoft app store along with my Surface stylist.  My daughter decided to use Google Draw and lots of stickers.

As I was trying out the variety of tools within the Fresh Paint my mind went right to how can I use this app and Quiver page in the classroom, it must be a teacher thing.  My 1st thought for the page was what a great way to introduce the Chinese New Year or book of celebration. Maybe even a book on being brave such as Max By: Bob Graham or The Adventures of Sparrowboy By: Brian Pinkney.  The writing prompt or group discussion could be: What would you celebrate?  What achievements or accomplishments have you met that caused a celebration?

Once your students have either written about what they would celebrate you could talk about different ways others celebrate around the world, making world and culture connections.  Then have students read about books with topics of being brave, over coming a hard obstacle, etc..  I would then have students either write about overcoming obstacles and ways you can be brave or create a visual presentation using tools such as Buncee, Google Slides, Smore, and etc...

Finally I would have students design their own fireworks that they could use to celebrate their accomplishments or achievements.  They could pull out their personal fireworks scan the page and watch their personal fireworks display, while doing their own little happy dance.  Something subtle, nothing that would disturb the class or school.  I believe we need to teach your kids to celebrate achieving something that was really hard for them.  Give themselves a little pat on the back, celebrate the positive, and feel good at what they have accomplished.  What may have been a breeze and not really a challenge for one person is a getting over the mountain for another one.

Quiver Fireworks page with Google Draw
The Fresh Paint app is a Windows app.  On tablets there are other apps that would allow you to bring in a picture file such as a jpg or png and allow you to add, color, paint, and draw on top of the image. For my iPad I use the Drawing Desk app.  There is also the Adobe Sketch app that will also allow you to bring in an image to work with.  I am sure that there are other drawing apps out there that you can use with Quiver's coloring pages.

I would give each student Quiver's Fireworks coloring page digitally as a jpg.  There are many ways to do this.  I would use a LMS such as Edmodo SeeSaw that students can download material to their device.  Have them each design their fireworks how ever they felt like.  Then I would do the buddy system.  One buddy loads their page on their device while the other buddy loads the Quiver app.  Using the device with the Quiver app loaded the two buddies can interactive with the 1st buddy's fireworks.  Then have them switch roles.   Keeping their customized fireworks on a device or digital folder will also help one organize students but also keep the fireworks from being lost and students can pull it out scan it over course with a send device and celebrate.

Join on Thursdays at 8pm central time on Twitter for #AR4Learning to learn more about ways to used augmented reality in education.