EdcampGlobal 2016 and Resources ...
Edcamp Global is a powerful learning experience. It is non-stop learning opportunities for 24 hours on a variety of social media platforms. Some of the facilitators use Periscope, Twitter, Voxer, and Google Hangouts. It is a Edcamp so it is like a round table, where everyone comes together and have a discussion and share. I love to share augmented in education so I seem to take the lead during the session I lead. I do record the sessions I facilitate so no worries if you couldn't participate during the session you can go back and watch the recording. There are a lot of sessions offered during Edcamp Global on a variety of platforms so participants can pick what they would like to learn or share more about.Below are the recordings for both of my sessions along with the resources I promised to share out.
- Edcamp Global - http://edcampglobal.wix.com/edcamp
- Over a Dozen Activities to use with Pokemon Go - http://www.quivervision.com/pokemon-go-education-katie-ann-wilson/
- Quiver - http://www.quivervision.com
- Chromville - http://chromville.com
- PopARToys - https://popartoys.com
- Octagon Studios - https://www.octagonstudio.com/4d
- AR Flashcards - http://arflashcards.com
- AR Circuits - http://arcircuits.com
- Buncee - https://www.edu.buncee.com
- Blippar Education - https://blippar.com/en/learn-more/blippar-for-education
- Carlton Books - http://www.carltonbooks.co.uk
- Planets 4D - http://www.sareddytech.com/planets4d
- Spellbound Books - http://getspellboundbooks.com
- Build Your PLN - https://twitter.com/iamvlewis/status/759476320313237504
- Twitter Cheat Sheet - https://twitter.com/kerryensberg/status/759469229116563456
- Buncee Slides - Augmented Interactive Student Notebooks - https://goo.gl/eUuPdd
- SimpleK12 Webinar - Augmented Interactive Student Notebooks - http://community.simplek12.com/scripts/student/webinars/view.asp?id=2350
I love Edcamps! They are a great way to learn what you want to learn about. They are also a great way to share what you are doing in the classroom and to build your PLN. We are stronger together.
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