Making My Mark ..........

Making My Mark .....

My goal is to bring learning to life, and I love to augmented reality to do this.  This year for Dot Day I had my students write about how they could make their mark on the world.  When they finished with their writing assignment they were instructed to use the Dot Day color sheet by colAR Mix to design a LOGO to go with their assignment.

The second part of the assignment was for my students to create a blog.  I want them to own this blog, make it theirs, and post to as often as they would like.  Their 1st post was their Make My Mark assignment.  They also had to include an picture or a collage of pictures of them and their LOGO.

What my students may not have caught was I was making my own mark in their lives.  I love planting seeds and watching what grows. Encouraging them to write and own their own blog my just unleash the next best seller novel writer, the next high paying blogger, or even the next famous photographer.  I can't wait to see were my students' blogs will go.  What I do know is that writing for an audience is more meaningful then just writing for the teacher.

I have created a Symbaloo board to house their Make My Mark posts.  I plan on added to it as more posts are submitted.

How do you plan on Making Your Mark on the world?

Sneak Peek .....

Sneak Peek .....

I have received several messages these past few weeks wondering why I haven't posted or why I haven't been very active online.  Well I have been very busy brainstorming and creating activities to accompany the 4D Elements blocks by Daqri.  I can't really share the details just yet on the activities but I thought I would just temp you a little.

I think you will really like the activities that I am creating.  There will be hands on activities to learn the key vocabulary, to interactive activities with the 4D Elements blocks all the way to creating your own augmented reality.  My goal is to help teachers bring learning to life with the use of Daqri's 4D Elements.

Keep your eyes and ears open.  The details to these amazing activities will be coming your way soon.