STEAM - Material Engineer via the Quiver Fashion App...

STEAM - Material Engineer via the Quiver Fashion App...

When I first saw Quiver's new app Quiver Fashion I became ecstatic.  I've been looking for a way to get more girls involved in my STEM class. I currently only have 3 girls participating.  My plan for this app is to get my students to think about what a Material Engineer might do.  I am going to have my students develop a new material that can do multiple things such as self pressing, self cleaning, bulletproof, fireproof, monitors heart rate, monitors blood pressure, etc...

Since there is a sharing option within the app it will also be a great way to collaborate.  I could have one group design the fashion, one group, design the brand, and one group work on the marketing.  I can even have a project manager, a department leader, a graphic designer, a social media expert, and run the unit like a mini business.  I could even bring in sample material patterns, a sewing machine, and a sample target audience.  I could then let my students make mock up designs and pitch their product to the sample target audience.  I would use the Quiver Fashion app as the tool for my students to design their fashions and try them out on the catwalk.  My students can even take pictures and video clips within the app to use in their marketing campaigns.

I also thought the Quiver Fashion app would be very useful in teaching careers.  Such as having students design what a doctor would wear, a vet, a lawyer, a teacher, a nurse, a plumber, a banker, a fast food employee, etc... You could even have students pick a career and create a line of clothing for that career.  For example a McDonald's employee.  What would their uniforms look like?  What would be the benefit for buying your line of clothing?  Is your material stain resistant, self cleaning, wrinkle free, self tucking, self pressing, etc...

You could even use this app to help show historical fashion.  For example students could design what they think a Native American might have worn, a peasant, a sailor, a pirate, an Egyptian Queen, etc... You could even have students design fashion for historical characters.  For example what would George Washington's wife or daughter might have worn compared to what George Washington Carver's wife or daughter might have worn. Or famous women such as Rosa Parks, Amelia Earhart, etc...

What other ways can you use Quiver's new app Quiver Fashion?


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