Who Should I Follow??

Hash tags are a good way of finding people with your interest. For example I am into Flipping my Classroom so I follow the hash tag flipclass (#FlipClass). If you are at a conference you can also connect with people at the same conference by following their hash tag. For example I attending Podstock and their hash tag was #podstock13.
Twitter Chats are also a great way of connecting with people. There are several different educational Twitter chats every week. To attend a Twitter chat you need to know what time they will be online for the chat and you simply follow the hash tag. For example #Flipclass meets on Mondays at 8pm Eastern time.
- Follow people with same interest as you.
- Don't be afraid to unfollow people if they are not a fit for you.
- If you are uncomfortable of sharing just follow until you are. Once you are comfortable your experience with Twitter will be much better and you will get more out of it.
- Don't just be a taker, try to give every once and a while.
- My Twitter -
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