Reflection of 2015....
2015 was truly a year of learning. The one thing I learned about myself was I can do more than I thought I could. Who would have thought this small town (I mean very small town) girl in the middle of the united states surrounded by farmland, oil pumps, and wind farms could reach so many. I will never know exactly how many educators and students I've reached and may faint if I ever did. I like to think that I've planted sends in a gardens around the world that have just started growing. With time, love, kindness, and curiosity these gardens are going to thrive. I just pray that those that reap from these gardens do not forgot I am still here and would still love to help in anyway I can. Don't forget to stay connected.In 2015 I started a video hangout to help other educators use augmented reality in their classrooms called Let's Talk Augmented Reality for Education. This hangout led to a Twitter chat called #AR4Learning. I am amazed how many will go back and either watch the recorded hangout or read the archived Twitter chat. I know the days and times I picked are not ideal for everyone and I truly appreciate those who join me live for the hangouts and the Twitter chats. It is always more fun to chat with others about augmented reality than me just talking what I like to do with augmented reality. I love learning how other people are using augmented reality. I also LOVE learning what they would like to see happen in the world of AR in the classroom. Sometimes I get in a little rut and hearing their ideas spark ideas for me.
I also learned that I really love traveling to met other educators face to face via conferences. It really makes what I am doing real. I am really bad at taking pictures a.k.a. selfies of myself with others. In 2016 I plan on working on that. One of my hobbies is photography and I love to be behind the camera, not sure why I am uncomfortable turning it on myself. In 2015 I didn't get a chance to attend as many conferences as I would have liked to. Hopefully in 2016 I can go to a few more and make a ton more connections.
In 2016 I would like to write a series of augmented children's books, have a ton more augmented lessons for teachers to just download and use, meet more educators, and travel the world. We will see which ones I get accomplished. 2016 for me will be the year of following my dreams.
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