Bringing Huck Finn's Travels to Life with Augmented Reality...

Bringing Huck Finn's Travels to Life with Augmented Reality...

A good book can transport you through space and time, in and out of weeks, and believe the impossible possible.  Adding augmented triggers can engage young readers like never before.  You can use augmented triggers to introduce a setting for a book, bring in augmented 3D image to represent landmarks, and even take the reader down the Mississippi river while they read about the travels of Huckleberry Finn.  At a recent professional development day I helped a fellow colleague put together this augmented trigger.  When you scan the image you will receive a map with pins marking Huck's adventure on the Mississippi.  There is also a button that will take you to an interactive Google Map where you can go in deeper and see the places Huck and Jim visited on their adventure.

You can use augmented triggers to help students learn about voice in a story, build knowledge with augmented word walls, and develop a connection with characters from out of this world.

Join us on April 21st at 8pm central on Twitter for #AR4Learning to learn more ways you can use augmented reality to bring literature to life.

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