Using Augmented Content in Math ....

Using Augmented Content in Math ....

Since I teach keyboarding skills I use a lot of augmented triggers as writing prompts.  My favorite way of using augmented reality just happens to be with math.  I am a very visual learner so using and creating augmented math content is one of my passions.  I created the "Let's Make 10 Augmented Math Game" which was a suggestion from a teacher friend.  My daughter loved the augmented game. What she loved the most was that she could do a self check and could visually see that she had created 10.

That game sparked creating a set of augmented flashcards. When I asked my daughter what she thought was the most important part of using augmented flashcards, she didn't hesitate to inform me that self check was very important to kids.  So keeping that in mind I started developing these fun augmented flashcards.

I will be sharing a few of these augmented math flashcards during our #AR4Learning chat this Thursday @ 8pm central.

I am really excited to share the different ways I have thought about using augmented math content in a classroom.  Feel free to join us during our chat.  If you can't make it no worries I do archive the chats.

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