Augmenting the Model T Challenge ...

Augmenting the Model T Challenge ...

The Model-Ters have just completed the Model T Challenge with Kevin Honeycutt. Kevin encourage teachers to get their students together and build a Model T to 1/3rd scale. I partnered up with three other schools and together we built a 1/3rd scale model of the Model T 1916 C cab truck.  To promote and share our project I augmented some of the students' drawings.  You will need to have the Blippar App and enter the code "24126" in the app's settings.

Augmenting students' work is a great example of using augmented triggers in education and a great way to personalize learning.  With these triggers you will be able to see the process we went through as we collaborated, designed, problem solved, and built this Model T.  You can also follow the hashtag #modelTchallenge on Twitter to see how other schools worked together to complete there part of the challenge.

I am very proud of my team and their students.  Everyone did a fantastic job.  Thank you Amber, Jessica, and Peter for joining me on this journey.  I've learned a lot and enjoyed working with you and your students.  Maybe next school year we can do another project together. 

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