Number the Stars - Augmented Lit Trip....

Number the Stars - Augmented Lit Trip....

Bringing ligature to life can really bring a student into the story, history, or environment they are reading about.  The best way to follow a character through their travels is to map it out.  Why not use Google Maps to map out the travels of the characters in the story Number the Stars.  For the best experience in using Google Maps to create Lit Trips is to make sure you are logged into your Google account.  You can either create the custom Google Map or have students create the map as they read.

For this augmented Lit Trip you will need the Blippar App to activate the augmented content. Before you scan the image enter the code "23722".  You can do this by clicking on the three lines at the top of your screen. When students scan this image they will be given the path that the Jewish family from the story took to escape from Copenhagen during World War II.  This Lit Trip is interactive and does work with a tablet and or iPad.  When students tap on the pins on the map they will receive more information about that location.

This augmented Lit Trip was designed to give students an understanding of the path the family took as they ran for their lives. There are tons of activities that focus around this story and or the Holocaust as well as other historical fiction books.  You could use more than one book and have students compare the experiences the characters in each book had.  You could even create augmented lit trips to accompany each book.

Join us on May 4th at 8pm central/ 9pm easter for #3rdChat as we talk about ways to use augmented reality in education. 


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