New Technology Coming Soon .....
I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas to arrive these past few weeks, and it is getting harder and harder to wait. Thanks to some wonderful supporters Google Glass will be arriving very soon. I can't wait to learn and share this out of this world technology with my students. I think my students are more excited than I am that this wearable technology will be at their finger tips. One of the projects I plan to do with this technology is to expand the use of Green-Screen effects on our Digital Stories. I also plan inviting the pre-school classes over and have them tryout this technology along with some Augmented Reality apps. I can't wait to capture their experience as their coloring page comes to life or a flashcard pops up a 3d image.Another project I would like to do is for my Global Project, I would like to create a walk around my school video using Glass. I have it in my mind what I would like for it to look like, we will see if I can transfer it from my mind to real life. I think it is important that those that have been sharing this Global Project with me can get a glimpse into our every day life at school, see what means to be an LMS Greenback.
If you would like to help to bring Google Glass to our school and make difference you can visit the campaign page "Bring Glass to Our School", there are only 6 days left to contribute to the campaign.
A BIG Thank you to all of those who contributed via the campaign and privately, you've made a Difference!
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