Reaching for the Stars....
In May of 2013 I decided to set personal and professional goals. One of my personal goals was to attempt to participate in a 5K fun run. Since I made that goal I have participated in 4 separate 5K fun runs. Now keep in mind for most of my adult life I wasn't physically able to walk very far without having to stop and catch my breath, so for me to attempt to met this goal I had to work on it.
Another goal I had set for myself was professional and personal all at the same time. I am that quiet person that sits and listens to people. I've been that way my entire life. When I started my career in education I have been nudged to share my knowledge and experience with tech ed. The very 1st presentation I did that wasn't for my school district was in 2004 for the Summer MACE conference in Kansas City. Ever since then I have presented on and off, mainly for the school district I worked for. In Spring of 2013 I decided that it was time that I reach for the stars and inspire more than just my friends and colleagues, so I started submitting presentation and or workshop proposals for variety of conferences.
I stepped outside my comfort zone and reached as far as I could. I figured even if I missed the star I was aiming for that I would land among some amazing ones. I submitted a proposal for a workshop for ISTE. I thought to myself even if my proposal didn't get accepted at least I tried. I remember the moment I received the email in December from ISTE. I was so nervous, excited and a wreck all at the same time. I took a deep breath and opened the email. I ran through my house yelling, jumping up and down all at the same time. My husband had literally thought I had lost it. My proposal had been accepted, and I was on cloud nine.
My workshop for ISTE 2014 on Creating a Global Digital Scrapbook has been canceled, it was supposed to have taken place on July 1st. I have mixed emotions about it. I understand that they need a certain amount of people to attend the session to make it worth everyone's while and to pay for the room. I am still excited and humble that my session had been picked. It isn't every day one can say that their session was approved by ISTE.
ISTE was just one of a handful of proposals that I sent in that had been accepted. For the 2013-14 school year I have been honored to present at Podstock 2013 & 2014, FETC, iPadpalooza, MACE, and webinars for SimpleK12 and K12OnlineConference. I even attended and presented/lead sessions at edcampKC and edcampKS. My family along with friends have encouraged me to continue to reach out and inspire other educators.
If you plan being in the Atlanta area for ISTE and you would like to connect face to face give me a shout. I have been told that I need to hang out at the Bloggers Cafe, so you may find me there. I will be the quiet person wearing Google Glass taking in all that ISTE has to offer. My goal is to connect and share as much as possible while I am in the area.
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