Bringing Learning to Life with Augmented Reality....

Bringing Learning to Life with Augmented Reality....

Augmented reality is one of my passions.  I love watching kids come alive and fully engaged when they interact with augmented triggers. Students are not the only ones that come alive when they interact with augmented triggers, teachers love them too

Augmented reality is experience that super imposes computer-generated experience over a trigger image. There are several different types of augmented experiences you can interact with. These computer-generated experiences allows you to listen to music, watch video clips, interact with 3D models, or place you in an environment such as the ocean. All of these possible interactions require the student to scan a trigger image that will trigger the experience.  Thus the trigger image or target image.

Augmented Reality - IN THE CLASSROOM

Augmented Reality is an engaging tool for students and teachers, really anyone that uses it. It allows you to immerse yourself into any environment, and apply critical thinking skills to real-world scenarios.  My goal is to teach 21 century learners think outside the box and beyond their learning environments. You can take an image and create an engaging learning experience that cannot be achieved in typical two-dimensional planes, such as worksheets or on a whiteboard/chalkboard.

Because I am so passionate about augmented reality and the impact it can have in the classroom I've teamed up with Aug That.  I am creating some one of a kind augmented lessons that you can have access to and use in your classroom, on top of their ever growing interactive lessons, 3D objects, and 360° environments. Aug That is also giving free access to Teach Connect all you have to do is tell them that the Techie Chick sent you.

Teach Connect allows you to create augmented triggers in a safe environment. No channels to follow, no scanning and getting something inappropriate, a totally complete safe environment. You don't even need to know how to create the augmented experience all you have to do is send them the trigger image you want to use and what you want the experience to be. You also get access to other teacher created augmented lessons. I can even help you create and use augmented lessons in your classroom, all you have to do is ask.

Take a Demo of Aug That.  Download the STAR app and check out their Demo page.  You are going to love it.  After you have taken the Demo email and tell her that the Techie Chick sent you.  She will get you connected with your free Teach Connect account.  Once my lessons are up and running you will also get access to those.


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