Google Glass & A Green-Screen App = A Day of Learning....

Google Glass & A Green-Screen App = A Day of Learning....

This week my students have been busy creating some magic with Google Glasses and a Green-Screen app on their iPad.  Their assignment was to type up a Mini Movie or a Movie Trailer, when they were finished then they could create their little production using Google Glass and a Green-Screen.  Creativity went wild as my students brainstormed their stories and problem solved ways to reenact their storyline.

My goal in getting Glass in my classroom was to put the technology in the hands of my students and have them develop ways of using this technology.  I have really enjoyed watching their wheels spin as they thought of ways they could put Glass to work.  I can't wait to see where my students take their projects and the ways they incorporate Glass.

Recorded with Glass

Another part of our project is using a Green-Screen app called Veescope Live Full version.  It does cost $2.99 but is so worth the cost.  You can use a video clip, a still picture or multiple still images for your backgrounds.  Just save the images or video clips you want to use with the app to your iPad's camera roll and you are set to start making some Green-Screen magic of your own.

Make sure you have plenty of light when using the app.  Don't have the kids stand right up against the wall or Green-Screen, sometimes it makes it hard to separate the person from the Green-Screen. We use a stand to hold our iPads which has helped keep our videos stabled.  Make sure the person being recorded isn't wearing green or a blueish green, them become ghost like.

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